RenŽe B. Fisher Foundation

Pequot Library Book Sale

Books for Teachers 2006





Dear Books for Teachers Voucher Recipient,


We hope you enjoyed coming to the Pequot Library Book Sale and were able to purchase many fun and interesting books for your classrooms.  If you donŐt mind, weŐd like to obtain feedback from you about the program, so please take a few minutes to answer this questionnaire and return it to the Books for Teachers folder on the front porch of the library.


Please respond to the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5 as follows and feel free to add comments:

1 completely disagree

2 somewhat disagree


4somewhat agree

5completely agree


I found many books that are suitable for my students.

1                2                3                4                5





I was able to spend the entire voucher amount (or close) today.

1                2                3                4                5





I plan to return to the book sale another day this week

1                2                3                4                5





I was able to find books that I wanted.

1                2                3                4                5                             (over)

I searched for books in more than one subject area.

1                2                3                4                5





I was sufficiently prepared for what to expect at the sale.

1                2                3                4                5





The instructions for getting to the sale were easy to follow.

1                2                3                4                5





It was easy to find the subjects I was looking for.

1                2                3                4                5





Check-out procedures were clear and easy to understand.

1                2                3                4                5





The voucher amount was just right.

1                2                3                4                5





I would recommend this program to my fellow teachers next year.

1                2                3                4                5                        

                                                                                 THANK YOU!